English (US) Listening Practice · Random Sentences · Unit 07 [View items]
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There are only two schools in this town.
What did you pick for dessert?
It snowed when we were at work.
I think the rules of the game are unfair.
Does he regularly eat in the morning?
I only have two pairs of shoes.
I got my dog from the animal shelter.
Her scientific achievements were impressive.
He used to live in the same town as me.
Only go to the hospital if it is necessary.
Is there a movie theater nearby?
There are a lot of pages in this book.
The world is full of language learners.
Don't burn yourself on the stove.
He does not have to go to work today.
It's December. She's been there since May.
Where do you buy organic food?
Do you want to buy the latest smartphone?
The quick rabbit ran away.
I always tip the taxi driver.
What is your most precious possession?
Select the option that best fits you.
The plane has a slight delay.
I am too busy to have hobbies.
He likes his job because it's fun.
Can you toss me my jacket?
A river flows between the two states.
She doesn't play the guitar very well.
Why did she steal my pen?
I like to stay active by playing sports.